Joe Crockett
Manager of the County & City Councils
As Manager of the Council's of Kilkenny County & City Council's I am pleased to be associated with the presentation of this Annual Report for the year 2007.
In July of 2007, the members of Kilkenny County Council adopted a very ambitious multi annual capital programme. This multi annual programme projects the Council spending €1.7 billion between the years 2007 - 2012 on the provision of new fixed assets and the upgrading or expansion of existing assets, all of which are required to meet the demand of a growing economy. This programme should provide the necessary infrastructure to contribute towards an expanding and flourishing county. Furthermore, this programme was adopted with a view to enabling the County to grow and develop its own indigenous industry and also attract new industry. The progress made in advancing the various infrastructural projects throughout the County including roads, water, sewerage, housing, environment and various other flagship projects across all services in 2007 are detailed within the various sections of this report.
Since I took the position of Manager I have listened to the views of the elected members, our partners in other national, regional and local organisations and the people I meet at various meetings and engagements around the city and county. What has struck me very forcibly is a generally shared vision amongst all these stakeholders for the development of the County of Kilkenny as a whole namely:-
The need to develop the rural economy and the role and needs of the principal towns and villages and surrounding rural areas.
The development of Kilkenny city and its role as a hub in national and regional development strategy.
The development of South Kilkenny and the development of the Gateway with Waterford County & City Authorities.
The role of the local authority is central to these objectives both as a community leader, through the provision of good infrastructure and by facilitating the provision of good quality of life facilities, services and initiatives. This developmental role needs to be balanced with prudent financial control and careful decision making as we seek to maximise our resources to cater for the needs of the Community we serve as elected members or as staff of the local authority. These principles have been central to the activities of the Local Authority in 2007, as you will see in more detail contained in this report.
However, at this juncture I must particularly mention the ongoing process involved in the formulation of the County Development City & Environs Plan for 2008 - 2014. I also wish to take the opportunity to note the ambitious Water Services Investment Programme mapping out a programme between now and the year 2020 which was ratified by the Councillors in 2007 following extensive discussion with the elected members and behind the scenes work by officials at cross functional level.
Further progress was made in the modernisation agenda. Key customer service initiatives introduced in 2007 include:-
Expansion of the group planning clinics.
Expanded motor tax opening hours.
Further engagement with the public through media campaigns on water conservation tips and the traffic information service which is shared with Carlow Local Authorities.
An emergency call out and response service.
Flexible working arrangements so as to provide planning, environment and library service in the evenings.
Expanded environmental services.
Examination and implementation where appropriate of shared services between Kilkenny County and Borough Council's.
Similar initiatives will be developed for the forthcoming year.
I wish to pay tribute to the work being done at local area committee level and at strategic policy committee level for their role in pursuing the objectives of Kilkenny local authorities throughout 2007, These committees who have met on regular basis throughout the year have been well served by committed chairs and have succeeded in establishing themselves as the fora for focusing on local issues and formulating policy before, bringing same to the full membership of the Council. I also wish to thank our partners at County Development Board level.
It is appropriate at this juncture that I also pay tribute to my predecessor as County Manager Mr Michael Malone, and also Mr Tony Walsh who acted in the interim period between Mr. Malone's departure and my taking up this position. I would like to express my appreciation for the dedication and hard work of the elected members, my colleagues on the management team and the staff of Kilkenny County & City Council's. Since my arrival I have been impressed by the loyalty and commitment that both members and officials show on a day to day basis working in partnership for the communities of the county and city.
The work carried out by Kilkenny County and City Council's was recognised by the receipt of various awards in 2007 but we were especially delighted that Kilkenny City was given the Academy of Urbanism Great Town for 2008, in London last November 2007 which enhances the National and International reputation of Kilkenny.
Finally, I would like to particularly thank the Cathaoirleach Cllr. Tom Maher and the Mayor Cllr. Marie Fitzpatrick both of whom I have enjoyed close working relationships with during their tenures in office.
I commend this Annual Report and hope that it will be distributed to and widely read by the people of Kilkenny and beyond. I am confident that it will give them an overview into the broad range of activities undertaken and the challenges faced by the Councils of the County and City of Kilkenny.
Joe Crockett,
County Manager